Monday, 12 August 2013


Focus On: Kettlebell

Happy Monday!!

As you know, I am currently even more internetless than usual at my parents cottage in Nova Scotia that has no power. Being the over-eager blogger that I have recently become, I thought it would be fun to organize a few scheduled ‘Focus On’ posts for you all while I am galavanting on the East Coast :)


Focus On: Kettlebell

My favourite torture weapon du jour: 

Okay, that sounded strangely kinky (sorry Mom and Pop!) but what I meant to say is currently my favourite exercise equipment :)

I have been intrigued for a while by this funny little weight with a handle on it, so I took the plunge this past winter to try out a class near my house, and ended up falling in love with it!

If (an airbrushed) Jillian Michaels does it, you know its awesome

What to Expect

First, that you will be acquainted with this fine little piece of equipment

Kettlebell wins, in this case

Pic – kettlebell exercise – lady, hardcore]


A kettlebell. C’est tout! That’s it!

Depending on the class you take, you might also need to bring the following:

a yoga mat, 

a pair of kick-boxing gloves

However, if you do not feel like investing into this type of equipment, I would ask ahead to see if the studio or gym has extra available for you to use – they generally do. As always, a water bottle is necessary. 

Hydration is key!

What to Wear

Depending on the type of class that you are planning on attending (mix of kettlebell and kickboxing, or conditioning running drills), I would usually go for running shoes, shorts or crops, a supportive bra, and a tank top that is not too loose since you will be swinging a kettlebell in front of you and don’t want to get it stuck in the folds of fabric. I would personally find this distracting, but do whatever feels right for you!

Lululemon tank, supportive running bra, and shorts

Since you are going to be working up a sweat and huffing and puffing at some point during your workout (okay, fine, like two minutes into it for me...), I wouldn’t suggest wearing pants that are too warm or heavy, or a warm long-sleeve shirt. Let yourselves breathe! And kettlebell swing in comfort ;)

Although Pip always reminds me not to squat but to “hinge at the hips” and keep your upper body upright, this video is (boring) but instructive. 


As you can probably tell, I love me some kettlebell.

I think it probably depends a lot on the trainer that you are working with – as I mentioned, Pip in Wakefield is amazing! I have not taken a course with anyone else, but I could see how the energy levels in the class would probs affect how much or little I enjoyed the class.

As with most exercise classes nowadays, you have the option of purchasing a kettlebell for yourself and can do the drills in the comfort of your own home. I’m sure there are also online options for tutorials or follow-along videos that you can use in order to get you started on your own.

I have yet to buy my own kettlebell, since Pip always has some available and I fluctuate between two different weights. I have been using makeshift jars as kettlebells in the meantime.

Since I started out practicing kettlebells in a class format, I think that I will continue to do so into the future. It’s kind of like a step class – I need the group energy in order to put the effort in, whereas I don’t push nearly as hard when I’m on my own at home. Without 

Question of the Day:

  • Have you ever tried a kettlebell class? What did you love or not-so-love about it?

It took me a while to get on the bandwagon, but I am SO happy that I did! I find I have much more lean muscle - especially thinning in the arm area - no more bingo arms! I think it has also improved my overall endurance for running, which is a definite bonus!

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