Monday, 26 August 2013


08/25 Pics from the Weekend

Hi there!

I had a great weekend, hope you allwere able to get out and enjoy the sunshine :)

It was a weekend full of BBQs and river time for me, couldn't ask for a better time with friends!

BBQ Dinner

On my way to my friend's place after work on Friday, I ran into this beach volleyball tournament. In the middle of the street. So cool! Wish I had known about this sooner, I totally would have joined a team!

My friend's kitten Sylvester, hoping to get some scraps

Love this veggie dish on the BBQ! So handy.

Mojitos please :)

Couscous salad with fresh grilled veggies. Aw yeah.

Gatineau River Yacht Club

Since it was such a beautiful day on Saturday, I decided to go for a swim at the yacht club (aka GRYC), which is on an island. Makes for a perfect 20-30 min swim all the way around...depending on how many pit stops you take ;)

I saw this awesome party boat, which had a live band playing on it. 

This lady always takes her two dogs with her out on the water.

The club house

I love how I always see people I know here. I ended up going both days, and always ran into friends! 

Sunday Runday

I ended up taking my parents dog, Bella, for a run on Sunday. I needed a bit of motivation - after a friends' going away BBQ on Saturday night, all I wanted to do was laze by the water. But I took this beauty out for a walk first:

My little water dog

I am still learning about this whole 'take pics as you're moving' concept...

Lead the way!

Kind of defeats the purpose of getting wet and clean

Loving life! I went on the trail/loop near the Chelsea Visitor Center, which has always been my family's fav place to go for a walk. It's just over 2km long, so you can do as many loops as you like :)

I think I know every bend in the trail, and so does Bella - she knows when to vere off the trail to our water pit stop ;)

Stretching it out. Weekend success.

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