Sunday, 3 November 2013


11/03 Fitness for the Week

Hi friends,

Hope you all had a wunderbar weekend! I didn't even realize that today was the start of daylight savings time, so I had another glorious hour of sleep. Love when that happens :)

I got up and had a basic breakfast - whole wheat toast with crunchy peanut butter and honey, along with coffee made in my french press (its a metal one for camping) with some almond milk.

It was gorgeous outside in the sunshine, although a bit crisp, so I took my breaky outside to sit in the sun on my balcony. I then suited up and went for a long run by the canal.

Most of the colourful leaves have already fallen, but there's a few stragglers. 
This guy is just a late bloomer, I guess.

It was a perfect day for a run!!

Fitness for the Week

It's going to be a busy week for me, so I'm going to try and get in a couple of runs at work so that I have my nights free to tackle some stuff on my ever-growing list of things to do before I head off to Egypt for Christmas.

Monday - HIIT workout (arms and back)

Tuesday - Yoga

Wednesday - Run @ work

Thursday - HIIT workout (full body)

Friday - Run @ work

Saturday - OFF

Sunday - Runday :)

I will be back in the morning with an awesome new crustless-quiche recipe that I tried out today to prep for my breakfasts this week - I love just being able to reheat something and not have to worry about making breakfast in the morning...since I have a tendency to sleep through my alarm these days ;)

Have a great evening!

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